Monday, August 17, 2009
Zach came home from daycare with a healthy dose of mud on his clothes, hair and skin. I thought to myself, Ahh what a boy! Our little baby is no longer just that. He is growing ever more into a exciting little boy who has a huge personality. I can't wait to do father-son camping trips (quite often involving mommy too of course) and other "guy" type stuff. Somedays it is hard to imagine him growing up, but then there are times like today where he comes home muddy and toddles around with an oversized football that I remember that these days are numbered. Parenting has been a balancing act between holding onto the present while looking forward to the future and missing the past. I think that is what makes multiple children so much fun. I suppose I will have to wait on that though...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
So big!

Zach is really growing up. He's started saying a few words now... "ooooooohhhh, apple, cookie, up, mama, dada," and sometimes he'll copy what we say. I have to explain the "cookie" one, which actually sounds more like "cucu". He has a Cookie Monster book that says "Cookie" when you press a button and he will repeat that now when he wants to read that book. It is SOOOOO cute when he does it, because he tries to say it like the book in Cookie Monster's grumbly voice. He's such a great little kid and mommy is really really REALLY enjoying being home with him these past two weeks. It's hard to believe how 14 months can change a person (him and I)!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Congrats Ryan!

So, when I think of my siblings this is what comes to mind... Rachel is down in Alamosa playing basketball as a freshman or sophomore. Ryan is at CSU, perpetually a freshman. Kayla is at Horizon, perpetually a sophomore or junior. Don't get me wrong, it's not just them I picture to be stuck in time. I picture myself as a recent graduate (like a month ago). Hardly!!! I was thinking about this at Ryan's graduation, but I've been out of college for 4 years. That means I started over 8 years ago and graduated high school! Wow. Sometimes I turn around and realize... "Oh my gosh, I'm an adult... I have a kid, a job, a house, and a husband. Where did all this come from?" I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with all of these wonderful things, but I am amazed at how fast time flies. So, Ryan, and all other graduates out there, enjoy the day and live in the moment, thankful for what God has blessed you with!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Toddling Toddler

Zach is so close to walking now! It's evident by the many bruises he has on his cute little face. Let me just say I am ready for him to be steady on his feet so he doesn't keep falling into and on things. :( Sometimes I just want to tape pillows to him so he has a cushion to land on... but he is getting better. We celebrated his 1 year birthday a little over a month ago! I can't believe he's been part of our family already for over a year!!! He's got such a little personality too. It's amazing how much he knows what he wants and how to get it too. Daddy and mommy are going to have to work a little harder at sticking to our guns and ignoring that adorable little face when he starts to get into trouble. It's just so hard to resist, especially when those big aligator tears start rolling. I read in an article (there are so many of them out there) that kids don't really remember specific instances where there was a power struggle, they remember the overall way things were. I know we have many more laughs, play time, and hugs than rough spots, so I'm not too worried. It just breaks my heart to see him sad or hurt. Luckily I know God is always watching over my little Z and no matter what, is there whether I am or not!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Snow Day
No school today!!! I got to enjoy a free day at home with little Zach! He is very excited to watch the snow falling down today. It looks pretty nasty and I really with Daddy could be home with us too. I just pray for safe driving and road conditions for Aaron. I'm also secretly hoping he calls saying they've decided to let everyone go home early today (perhaps at lunch). He says that never happens though, and I think he's right. So, I guess Zach and I will have to enjoy the day for Daddy too. Let's just pray we get another one tomorrow!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Daddy Daycare
Through a chain of events I was able to spend the day with Zach on Thursday... all day Thursday. I must say I have a tremendous amount of respect for stay-at-home moms, single parents, daycare providers... and of course - my wife. This was the first time in a while (since Zach has become more active!) that it has just been "us guys." I soon re-realized how much work it is even when he sleeps for 4-5 hours during the day! By the time I recouped from getting him ready for his morning nap, it seemed like he was waking up for lunch. I thought that before/after lunch we could cruise out and do some errands and enjoy the day. Nope, it was soon time for his afternoon nap and a quick run around the house so that I could get it clean (by clean I mean back to the way it was before we tore it up) before his momma' came home from work. I did nothing aside from taking care of him and it exausted me!
All this being said... I wouldn't trade it for the world!! I am gradually begining to truly understand what it means to be a parent. It really is a labor of love! I don't think I will ever be an expert and I don't know that I ever need to be. Perfection never is a requirement. What really matters is that we love our kids and do everything in our power to see that they grow up to be self-sufficient Christ following adults! We are going to make mistakes, become worn out, even loose our composure every so often, but our love for our kids and overall our love for our Saviour sets our priorities back in place. Thanks be to God - without Him all would be lost!
All this being said... I wouldn't trade it for the world!! I am gradually begining to truly understand what it means to be a parent. It really is a labor of love! I don't think I will ever be an expert and I don't know that I ever need to be. Perfection never is a requirement. What really matters is that we love our kids and do everything in our power to see that they grow up to be self-sufficient Christ following adults! We are going to make mistakes, become worn out, even loose our composure every so often, but our love for our kids and overall our love for our Saviour sets our priorities back in place. Thanks be to God - without Him all would be lost!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My life as a Mommy

It's nice to know I'm not alone. Nobody ever told me that when Zach was born he would become number one in my life. Don't get me wrong, I love Aaron more than ever, but Zach seems to take priority these days. Nobody ever told me that would happen... until after it did. I've been praying for a rearrangement of priorities these days, that God would be first, then Aaron, then Zach. It seems lately I've got that upside down and that's how life goes (upside down) when you get things mixed up. Zach's just so darn cute, along with everything he does, it's hard to put him in his place, but that's how it should be. After all, I would want my parents to love God and eachother more than me. It seems like my love for God, Aaron, and Zach are all very different. Is this normal? I don't know. But what I do know is that for any mom out there, going through this impossible pull of emotions, just know that you're not alone, and that I'll pray for you too.
Through a child's eyes...

There are many reasons why I am thankful Zach entered our lives. Not only is he the cutest baby in the world, he lightens any moment with his giggles, his rolling makes you want to join in the play, and his growling noises bring out the lion in all of us! Another main reason is how much he makes me slow down in my daily life. Zach makes me realize what's important when other things are trying to push my priorities out of whack. When my job seems tiresome and pointless, I come home and get to experience what all the parents of my students have been through. When I get angry at a student for not listening or being disrespectful I try to image how I would want Zach to be treated in that situation. As a teacher, Zach has made me rethink a LOT of situations. I sympathize with giving too much homework and I realize just how important family time and unorganized play really is. Zach has helped me slow down, enjoy the lazy evenings and playing make believe with cars, trucks, and duckies. He's helped me see how even the simplest things can be fun and enjoyable if you look at them the right way. My successes no longer come from my job, they come from the simple pleasures like having a splashing fight with Zach in the bathtub, cuddling up with Aaron during a movie, or staying up an extra hour to play a competitive game of Scrabble (we've gotten good). Life IS good. :)
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