Our little Zach is 6 weeks old today! It's so hard to believe that much time has gone by and yet our trip to the hospital seems so long ago. It's hard to imagine life without this little guy. Aaron and I are going to try to update the blog at least once a week with a post and new picture. Lord knows we've got enough pictures! Zach is on the verge of smiling. He's starting to grin and do half smiles while awake (not just in his sleep anymore although he still does that). He's grown a lot too. I can't believe it, but he doesn't even fit into some of his newborn size outfits anymore. He's got a long body and long legs and will probably be a tall guy when he grows up. Just a side note, I have decided on my dream job... 5 star resort critic. If anyone knows anyone who would like to pay me to stay at their resort, try the food, spa, pool, beds, etc, I am in! Zach and Aaron would have to come too!