We have been back from Florida for a little over a week now and it sure is nice to be home. Zachary did amazing on the plane and was a celebrity in the airports. It is such a unique feeling to have strangers stare at you as you walk down the concourse. I was struck by something that was said in Atlanta by an elderly woman. She was reffering to Zach when she said that he was our "wealth." I thought that a very apt statement. Here was the only icon of our existence that would really last past our lives on earth. It brought me back to what I said at my Grandma's funeral. I am really happy to be passing on a spiritual legacy to my son. Not just from my family but from generations prior on Nicole's side as well. If we are to invest anything in this world may it be time spent loving encouraging and challenging our family with the truths of the gospel! What a great return on an investment to be able to spend eternity with generations of past, present and future family!
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