Thursday, May 28, 2009

Congrats Ryan!

So, when I think of my siblings this is what comes to mind... Rachel is down in Alamosa playing basketball as a freshman or sophomore. Ryan is at CSU, perpetually a freshman. Kayla is at Horizon, perpetually a sophomore or junior. Don't get me wrong, it's not just them I picture to be stuck in time. I picture myself as a recent graduate (like a month ago). Hardly!!! I was thinking about this at Ryan's graduation, but I've been out of college for 4 years. That means I started over 8 years ago and graduated high school! Wow. Sometimes I turn around and realize... "Oh my gosh, I'm an adult... I have a kid, a job, a house, and a husband. Where did all this come from?" I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with all of these wonderful things, but I am amazed at how fast time flies. So, Ryan, and all other graduates out there, enjoy the day and live in the moment, thankful for what God has blessed you with!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Toddling Toddler

Zach is so close to walking now! It's evident by the many bruises he has on his cute little face. Let me just say I am ready for him to be steady on his feet so he doesn't keep falling into and on things. :( Sometimes I just want to tape pillows to him so he has a cushion to land on... but he is getting better. We celebrated his 1 year birthday a little over a month ago! I can't believe he's been part of our family already for over a year!!! He's got such a little personality too. It's amazing how much he knows what he wants and how to get it too. Daddy and mommy are going to have to work a little harder at sticking to our guns and ignoring that adorable little face when he starts to get into trouble. It's just so hard to resist, especially when those big aligator tears start rolling. I read in an article (there are so many of them out there) that kids don't really remember specific instances where there was a power struggle, they remember the overall way things were. I know we have many more laughs, play time, and hugs than rough spots, so I'm not too worried. It just breaks my heart to see him sad or hurt. Luckily I know God is always watching over my little Z and no matter what, is there whether I am or not!